Photos Today we decided to a relaxing day. So that meant " learning sewing techniques on the machine" and " quiltshopping. We started with the techniques, that was really fun, so now I know how to make a " quick" quilt with the sewing machine. Afterwards we took walk through her neighbourhood, wich is a lovely surrounding, hills, trees and lovely houses, to the coffeeshop. I like these American coffeeshops. (For the dutch readers: they only sell coffee and cookies). So on our way back we met George and Mary-Jo and had a short look in their beautyfull garden. After two hours without doing any quilting stuff it was time for quiltshopping. Well it's biggest quiltshop I have ever seen
"Pacific fabrics" You take a chart (shopping-car) with you to put in your fabrics. I bought some lovely fabrics for an "irish chain quilt" . But that has to wait till I'm back in the Netherlands. Of course we did some shopping for Jacqueline's RR, and we found a lovely red fabric.

2 opmerkingen:
wat gaaf zeg gaan winkelen voor quiltstofjes met een winkel wagentje hihi, maar goed dat ik niet mee ben, zou mijn portomonee niet trekken grinnek.
ene goeie keus die ode stof!
Ohhhhhh my Godness! You bought the WHOLE shopping-car goodies?!You will have fun for a whole year! Lol.
And Marne was caught in complete surprise when you took her pic at the front side of her house.She is so sweet! =D
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