So no more: coloured houses with verandas and decks, big refrigators, yellow schoolbuses, groceries where they put you groceries in a bag for you, coffeeshops with your name signed on the cup, breakfast with crumpets, very big cans with peanutbutter, baseballgames, leaving your mail you want to send at your mailbox, rows of newspaperboxes, take home the leftovers, HOV-lanes, 4-litre milk cans, quiltshops with shoppingcharts (winkelwagentje), yellow cabs, buying quiltmagazines at a drugstore and eggs and bacon for breakfast. But lots of bicycles, wooden shoes and windmills.
The life and quilty adventures of a dutch girl in The Hague with a black and white featherweight.
maandag 15 september 2008
The Hague day 13, coming home
So no more: coloured houses with verandas and decks, big refrigators, yellow schoolbuses, groceries where they put you groceries in a bag for you, coffeeshops with your name signed on the cup, breakfast with crumpets, very big cans with peanutbutter, baseballgames, leaving your mail you want to send at your mailbox, rows of newspaperboxes, take home the leftovers, HOV-lanes, 4-litre milk cans, quiltshops with shoppingcharts (winkelwagentje), yellow cabs, buying quiltmagazines at a drugstore and eggs and bacon for breakfast. But lots of bicycles, wooden shoes and windmills.
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1 opmerking:
Welkom thuis, wat een heerlijke trip moet dat zijn geweest!
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