Saturday was a quiet day, I came with 1 suitcase and leave with 2. I did some quilting, finished a few projects and had a rather lazy day, after all the impressions of the last 10 days.
This afternoon (sunday) at 12.50 I'm flying back to the Netherlands, and I will arrive at monday morning 7.40 at Schiphol. I have had such a wonderful time here in Seattle. Marne and Elaine are such a lovely couple, you can't imagine. They're so nice. I really had a very good time at their home. I felt very welcome. I will really miss them. Of course I did a lot shopping, visiting people and sightseeing but I also did very interesting things tourist normally don't do, Teen Feed and Stone Soup Quilters. That makes the time in Seattle also very special. Thank you so much for a beautyfull time in Seattle. I hope to see you next year in the Netherlands in The Hague. We're busy making plans for 2009 and 2010. Seattle here I come again.

2 opmerkingen:
Have a safe trip home! I enjoyed to read about your stay in Seattle! See you soon!
Hi Caro!
Have a nice and safe trip home. Hope to see you soon at Evy's Quilterspalet or at the Bee. (Please take all your brand new fabrics with you. It's just 1 suitcase, so why not??? -); -); )
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