PHOTOS. Today no quiltshops, how will we survive!!! But we did lunch.First we went to the second bookstore. I'm reading Anne of Green Gables, so I almost finished the first part and I'm really curious how it's going on with her. So I bought the other 6 parts. I

found some Woodehouse for Rob, a very nice calender 2009 of Larsson for my mother and we bought some books for her Marne's grandchildren wich we're going to visit saturday. Afterwards we went to Alayne for lunch. Alayne is one of Marne's quiltsfriends, she's a professional "Long-arm-quilter". She's going to quilt Marne's white-chocolate quilt. We had very nice lunch together at the deck/veranda.

2 opmerkingen:
I'm still enjoying all your pics and stories! But I was wondering... How do you ever get everything in your suitcase??? Are you going to leave your clothes with Marne? :D:D:D
It seems like Marne knows ALL the most talented girls in Seattle! And she introduced you to each one of them! You lucky girl!=)
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