Enough to choose. |
Rob is still cycling through Germany, he's about half way now and arrived in Trier today.
And what about me? I have a busy programm this week, beside going to work I have my fitness (mo, wed, thu), my mindfullness course on monday, and today we had a fantastic evening at Barbara's house. She organised a girls evening: tying/string beads. THANKS.
Angelique our instructor did a vey good job. After a day of work it was sometimes hard for me to get the thread through the beads. But everybody went home with her homemade product.
Angelique |
Special European Football Championship bracelet made by Carolien. She still believes we will be champion ; ). |
To give you an idea about the costs, my home-made necklace, 5, 5 euro. |
If you also want a "beads" evening with your friends, you can contact
Angelique. My programm for the rest of the week: wednesday dinner at Mauce, thursday "mutsenavond" (quiltbee), friday just quiet at home I think/hope. Saturday shopping and dinner with Yolande, sunday quiltday with Dieuwke and Willemijn.
I started cleaning and tidying up my quiltroom, there are several projects waiting to be finished, some of them already waiting a very long time. So I promised myself that I will use sunday to finish some of them.
Rob will be back sunday, and then we have another holidayweek together.
Life is good!!