vrijdag 17 mei 2013

To open or not to open

This package with quiltfabrics from The Haan en Wagenmaker is so nicely wrapped. I think I just leave it for a few more hours waiting on my diningtable.

By the way if you want traditional reproduction fabrics from the Netherlands, be quick, they stopped printing those fabrics, so there is not much left anymore in the shop in Amsterdam. That's why this big package is on my table.

Oh well, what the heck.I'm going to open it. Aren't those fabrics lovely.
 I'm afraid they have to wait till july before before I will use them. You see my diningtable is filled with study books again. On the 15th of july my businesscase Financial Management has to be ready.

3 opmerkingen:

Bernadette van gils zei

mooie stofjes enach wachten tot juli valt wel mee, het is al half mei
succes met je studie

Nana's Quilts zei

You are a good girl to have all your books out and ready for studying. Lekker eten bij grannie.

Yvonne zei

Ik had je blog niet op de juiste manier toegevoegd naar nu bleek. Nu wel gelukkig dus even bijgelezen. Ik wist niet dat ze stopten met de reproductiestoffen bij den H & W. Jammer, zo'n traditie die verdwijnt.
Wat wordt je Amerikaanse vlaggenquiltje leuk!
Veel succes met je studie de komende tijd!