woensdag 15 mei 2013

Playing Farkel pocket

Marne taught us a new game. You only need 6 dice, a pencil and a piece of paper.

Here are the instructions.

Tomorrow she will be leaving, going back home to Seattle. Our house will be so quiet.

1500 points for Caro
 Add your points according to the following score rules:
Ones = 100 points
Fives = 50 points
Three ones = 300 points
Three twos = 200 points
Three threes = 300 points
Three fours = 400 points
Three fives = 500 points
Three sixes = 600 points
Four of a kind = 1,000 points
Five of a kind = 2,000 points
Six of a kind = 3,000 points
Straight 1-6 = 1,500 points
Three pair = 1,500 points
Two triplets = 2,500 points

Read more: Pocket Farkel Instructions | eHow http://www.ehow.com/how_8339077_pocket-farkel-instructions.html#ixzz2TOCYYVwd

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