The old church in the X-mas tree was from my grandmother.
In the dining room you find the X-mas stable/shed, it was made by an friend (who died 14 years ago).
The figures were made by myself.
Then in the living room, you will find Santa Claus, it was the Chookey swap 2010.
The Secret Santa Chookey Swap is my favorite, I join it already several years and it's just part of all the X-mas fun. This year Kerry send me some lovely gifts, pictures will follow, but it has to do something with dogs. For some reason she figured out I'm a dog lover ; ).
Then there is my X-mas quilt, warm and cozy. It isn't very cold here in the Netherlands, it's mostly rain, rain, rain!!!
X-mas we spend with my parents. My mother made us a very nice meal.
If you love sprouts (spruitjes), here is the recipe.
Second X-mas day (not common in every part of the world), my brother and sister-in-law came along with their three kids.
That's fun, unwrapping gifts with grandma and granddad.
Good X-mas memories this year. Just another few days of holiday to go. Back to work on the 2th of januar.
2 opmerkingen:
It looks like you had a very fun and full Christmas celebration. And you house is all decorated. We are going to Port Townsend today for the week-end with some of our RVing friends. Happy New Year.
Beautiful gifts received from your secret's a fun Swap!
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