vrijdag 16 december 2011

Building Spakenburger Houses from scraps

 The first two houses are build. I used scraps from my antique costume fabrics from Spakenburg, except for the light blue and the red-white. It was a little bit puzzling, would I use several fabrics for one house, or just 1 or 2. Well I think I like the blue house best. I think I prefer to keep the houses rather simple. How many I'm going to build? No idea, maybe I quit when I'm through my scraps. Maybe not, they're more work then you think. The house for today is finished. Tomorrow number 3. Or cheating and just make another one this afternoon. OEPS I just read the rules, we're supposed to start the 1th of januar, so just cutting them the next weeks, and no sewing. Or are there more quilters who already broke the rules ; ).

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Olá,CLARO que sim,o apressado come cru,eu mal acabei de ler,corri para cortar alguns tecidos .Depois que fui reler regras...rsrsrs Agora 28 cortadas,isso quer dizer que:Oueu me controlo ou terei casas até para desabrigados. BEIJOS E FELIZ NATAL

Nana's Quilts zei

Nice houses. I like the brown one, too. Just consider this as practice so that your technique is good. :-)