If you hop in for dinner on wednesday eve, your probably eat "chili con carne" it's our favorite recipe for the wednesday eve. Last wednesday it was eight of us: Emma, Nathan, Lucy, Olivier, Dieuwke, Willem, Rob, myself and two dogs: Baily (very tired) and Mies.
Just let me know if you're in for some quilting and food! (And it'sn't that good advertising for "coca cola".)
1 opmerking:
Well you did have a dinner table full for your wraps last night. We are eating some left-over pork from our Gourmetten dinner. I completely forgot to take photos - we were just having a very fun time. Our guests loved everything about it. Had a funeral to attend today (a former friend from my working days in Olympia) and tonight it's Jacqueline. Phew! Much happening.
p.s. I like you little kitchen hanging. Cute. I wonder what Bep will find for us to do?
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