This recipe from my sister goes very well with a barbeque, as we discovered today at my parents house. Although it wasn't as warm as we hoped for. It was lovely to barbeque outside, althpough we needed warm sweaters.
The recipe for the salad is very easy, as we quilters like, and you can make it in the morning and serve it in the evening. It tastes even better when you put it in the fridge for a few hours before serving.
300 gram pasta (coloured or white)
1 appel / apple

1/2 potje zilveruitjes / small bottle pickled onions
1/2 potje augurken / small bottle bpickles
150 gram reepjes ham / chopped ham
bieslook / chive
- 2 eetlepels/tablespoons mayonaise
- 2 eetlepels/tablespoons ketchup
- 2 eetlepels/tablespoons witte wijnazijn / white wine vingear
- peper en zout / pepper / salt
Good luck.