Today I went to very interesting
exhibition in Corrosia (Almere Haven) together with my friend Miep. The exhibition was about placing traditional costumes, especially the "krablap" (shoulder part of the costume) in a new modern town like Almere. In the religious village Spakenburg is still a little group of women who are wearing the traditional costumes daily. Pictures, films, little texts of the women and artistic objects are giving the traditional costume a new dimension.
http://picasaweb.google.com/photos339/KrablappenHere is an example of a text they wrote: "Mijn handen moeten iets te doen hebben. Ik ga daar met mijn gedachten naar toe. Het ontspant. Dan krijgen de zenuwen ook niet de overhand."
"I have to do something with my hands. I go with my thoughts to my hands. I relax. So my nerves won't have the upperhand."
1 opmerking:
Caro, this is beautiful and worthwhile to keep it for our children!
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