woensdag 16 april 2008

Big suprise in my mailbox

Look what I found in the mailbox today. Actually it wasn't in the mailbox because it was so BIG, our caretaker kept for me in his office, so after work I could pick it up.

I couldn't believe my eyes, there were 20 magazines in it, Marne collect them for me, from her quiltfriends. THANKS SO MUCH!! I'll share them with my quiltfriends here in Holland, so lots of people will be having fun with them. Lovely fabrics and other little presents. Marne put everywhere little blue notes, so I felt like a detective searching for them. Her friend Ronda send me a dog-fabric so I can finish my RR. I can't wait to meet you in septembre.

dinsdag 8 april 2008

Bee bee bumble bee.......

At Rijswijk I bought this lovely patron of Lynette Anderson. This is the first bag I have finished, and no ready for number two. I put it in my kitchen, not sure what to use it for, but that doesn't matter. I have already a house full of things that doesn't serve any purpose.

zaterdag 5 april 2008

Rag Quilt

In mai we (me and some of the members Quiltbee Putten) are going to make a Rag Quilt at the Quilterspalet. I love Ragquilts very much, they seem rather easy to make, all done by machine, and in a few days you can finish a quilt, instead of a few months. Some of my quilts took me more than a year to finish, I like doing handwork, but a quick project will be fun.

I decided to make a Ragquilt for my nephew Thomas. He is five years old, he likes blue, and his bedroom is also coloured blue. On one side I will use the light colours and the other side the dark colours. I can't wait to start.